You were thirsty from a very early age.
Adam Saunders (Heath Carroll on Blue Water High)
To be fair, all the guys in Blue Water High were extremely good looking. But, Heath was different... he was kind, caring, and had those gorgeous, puppy dog eyes. Looking back, you actually got a bit jealous when his character dated Fly.
Chris Foy (Matt Leyland on Blue Water High)
At the beginning of the series, Matt was written off as the generic "smart guy". But then he took off his shirt, and exposed that damn nipple ring. Holy freakin' guacamole.
Ryan Corr (Sheng Zemmett on Silversun)
Never have you wanted to be trapped on a spaceship more than when you watched Silversun. There was something about Sheng, and those freshly-gelled spikes that got you frothing real hard.
Jack Blumeanu (Noah on Noah & Saskia)
Watching Noah & Saksia made you want to find your own Prince Charming online. But that dream was cut short when your mum banned you from spending too much time on Habbo Hotel. Ugh, laaame.