“He’s got my vote.”
This is Ammar Campa-Najjar, a 28-year-old small business owner who runs a company called ACN strategies, which focuses on public affairs and strategic communications. He's also running for Congress.
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On Tuesday, Campa-Najjar announced on Facebook his run for Congress in California's 50th Congressional District, which includes five other Democrats already in the race. Duncan D. Hunter, a Republican, currently represents the district that includes most of San Diego. He was elected in 2009, succeeding his father, Duncan L. Hunter.
"My journey really began in 2012 when I was a field director during the Obama campaign," Campa-Najjar told BuzzFeed News. He praised the people he worked with during that time who "volunteered their labor and love" in the spirit of "the advocacy of a common cause, which was re-electing the president."
As far as why he chose to run for Congress, Campa-Najjar told BuzzFeed News that his main goal was to unite people, especially in today's political climate.
He reflected on the sense of solidarity during the Obama years, saying, "We were a unified progressive movement."
"Before people were feeling the burn, before people were stronger together, we were unified and feeling fired up and ready to go," he said, invoking the slogans of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Facebook / Via Facebook: CampaNajjar
Campa-Najjar is well on his way to becoming a public figure, and this was evident when he started going viral earlier today.
Facebook / Via Facebook: CampaNajjar